Rayven's story! (From hospital to home birth!)

Rayven's story!  (From hospital to home birth!)

Donna and her program changed my life and transformed my health. I am so thankful for the experience I had with Donna and the knowledge she has passed on to me since being on her program and having her deliver my third child.

My first two pregnancies were hospital birth experiences with a traditional OBGYN. There was always an issue. Whether it was acne, nausea, cramping, mood swings, extreme irritability, back pain, round ligament pain, stretch marks, excessive weight gain, bloating, water retention, swelling, headaches, etc. There was just never a time I wasn’t experiencing one or more unpleasant ailments during my first two pregnancies. I was unable to work or called in sick constantly. I was in and out of the hospital and the OB office very frequently for problems. I was frustrated and constantly in pain or suffering in some way. It seemed like the more intervention I had, the worse things got. One issue seemed to lead to another and this cycle repeated itself for the duration of these pregnancies. My labors were both excruciatingly painful. Contractions were unbearable by the time I was at 5 cm. I ended up with epidurals that came along with their own sets of complications. Needless to say, the deliveries were less than ideal, and the recoveries from both pregnancies were long and painful. After my second hospital delivery and postpartum experience, I knew that if we ever had another child, I wanted to do things differently.

When we found out we were expecting our third baby, I decided to research my options in the area and found Donna. I remember feeling excited and slightly nervous... “Can I really do this?”, I thought to myself... “Can I really follow a diet?” I didn’t know at the time, but the answer was a definite YES. Donna did not only teach me how to take care of my body, she taught me how to trust my body, and how to trust my role as a mother. She taught me that I am strong enough, good enough, smart enough, and capable enough of taking control of my health- and in doing so, the health of those whom I give birth to. All women are... A lot of us just don’t know it! I was amazed to discover that during her program I could work on my feet full-time bartending /serving until I was nine months along, with no issues. I felt great! I had plenty of energy and lived life as normal. I felt very healthy mentally and physically. I had confidence and felt vibrant. My skin was clear, I did not gain an excessive amount of weight, and I had a “belly-only” pregnancy. It was a breath of fresh air compared to my previous two pregnancies. I experienced virtually none of the unpleasant ailments that I had prior. If anything did happen, the root cause was immediately discovered and treated with the help of Donna, and following her instructions. Following Donna’s lead minor issues never progressed into major problems. Everything from appointments, labor, delivery, and postpartum took place in the comfort and safety of my own home.

When I went into labor I was around 40 weeks along, I called Donna to let her know I was experiencing what I thought to be contractions, but I couldn’t tell because there was no pain! She confirmed they were indeed contractions and she was on her way. I labored throughout the night completely pain-free. I was able to rest and sleep through a few hours of my labor. When I awoke, I decided to walk and do squats around my neighborhood to move things along. I was 8 & 1/2 CM dilated at this point! There is no way I could have done this during my previous labors. I was in complete amazement! Donna broke my water shortly after this, my contractions intensified, and our beautiful surprise baby boy was born around 10 minutes later!

Donna's program transforms the average pregnancy and childbirth experience into an amazing opportunity to take control of your own health and come out of it a stronger, confident, and happier version of yourself.

(Photo credits to Single Action Photo)

20.2 weeks selfie
Red dress--38 weeks pregnant.
Selfie without baby--is 24 hours post partum.
Selfie with baby--8 days post partum.

Yoga on mountain top-- 6 weeks post partum.

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