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We respect every step of your natural birthing journey. Our team of experts is here to listen to you and offer guidance tailored to your needs. Contact us through this form and let's explore the empowering birth experience you deserve.


Testimonials in English and Testimonios en español
Testimonials of wives

Donna and her team are so wonderful. They are the type of people you want in your corner not only for birth, but for life. There have been many things throughout pregnancy, birth, and now motherhood that I’ve worried about or wondered being a new mom and Donna is always my “go to” for advice, remedies, and encouragement. She and her team are gentle, nurturing, very intuitive, knowledgeable, and supportive. I appreciate the love they’ve shown my family so much!


The honest love she has, not only for what she does, but for the people she does it for and especially the babies. She always asks if parents have questions or concerns, encourages them to voice them, and is thorough & reassuring in her knowledgeable response. Anyone who attended a prenatal visit with me left a bit more educated than when they arrived. If only she could deliver all the babies, they all deserve such a beautiful, amazing, loving beginning. Thank you—We love you!


She has not only been our midwife but a genuine friend and trusted health care provider. Her knowledge and understanding gave us the confidence and positive attitude we needed for a great pregnancy & birth experience. Full of love and compassion!


She respects how you feel, and when it is time to get down to business, Donna’s attention is all yours. She doesn’t try to rush things like you are on her time, and a burden. Delivery is your time and your needs are met. I love how she respected what my body wanted, not the medical dictated crap.


My health is much better than ever. I loved the calmness of my homebirth. I will never go back to a hospital to deliver.


Donna has had a lot of experience & she is very knowledgeable about home births. I learned more from her than any doctor that I’ve had. Donna is caring & makes sure that you can always get ahold of her if you need her. My birth at home with Donna’s care was the best of all the ones I had. Donna has a loving personality, too.


I felt that Donna is genuinely concerned with the mother, as well as the baby. She was willing to do whatever it took to help and make me feel more comfortable. I felt like I could call her day or night (I did once) and she would help me. I felt like I was not a bother to her and that she really cared.  

Not only is she compassionate, but she has a tremendous amount of knowledge.


Our first two children were born in the hospital and were both very unpleasant experiences, but Donna was wonderful! Our experience with our third was confident and pleasant. The experience was so great that we’re considering a fourth.


 Having a birth with Donna is inexpensive, she makes house calls, you don't have to leave the comfort of home, she gives you good advice, she is there when you need her, and she would never hurt you or the baby. If something goes wrong, she is right there and has your best interests in mind. She is the only one in my lifetime that knows what I need, when I need it, and how much. I trust her more than any doctor or other person.


Donna cares about the wants and needs of both mother and baby. She is very knowledgeable and capable in caring for healthy as well as difficult pregnancies and deliveries. I grew to care very much for Donna and appreciated her willingness to aid me through my pregnancy and delivery.


Having my prenatal care and delivery with Donna were far more personable, made me more comfortable with my body and with her. She has my complete trust and thus made my labor and delivery so much easier and stress free knowing I was in the best hands possible. I love Donna, I will have the next baby with her. She is the best!

Having someone that truly cares for you and is so knowledgeable is so important to me and Donna has made me feel so cared for and loved through my whole pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. She also just has so much wisdom and knowledge about all things birth, babies, and pregnancy. I have learned so much from Donna and feel so safe in her care.


One-on-one care that is very personal, learning more about my body before, during and after pregnancy than I’ve ever known before, spouse involvement, and being 100% comfortable in Donna’s hands because we know she trusts us to know what is going on & keep us informed & we trust her in return. Donna herself is the best & greatest advantage to having our child with her.

Testimonials of husbands


The main advantages to having our baby with Donna is the one on one care. Genuine care and concern. She really knows her stuff. Childcare, herbs, vitamins. Donna is great. Thanks so much.


We were able to have baby at home. Better, more involved care. More experienced than most docs. Less expensive. Easier labor, if instructions are followed. More personalized care.


There is great comfort in knowing that Donna stresses so much in the pre-delivery health and diet. Every detail of my wife’s health is carefully monitored and improved in preparation for the birth. There is great attention to keeping the delivery room and supplies clean, sanitized, sterilized and functioning. As a pre-med student I find it fascinating all that I learn during Donna’s deliveries.

The safe, professional care provided in the relaxed atmosphere of your own home. The ability to choose what is right for your baby. Focused and sincere feeling Donna provides throughout the birthing experience.


We were blessed to have all the personal attention and care that Donna gave our family. The emotions and healing that we experienced was priceless. We were grateful for the knowledge that enabled us to have a healthy, perfect Baby Boy.


Prenatal care above and beyond the norm, which led to the easy delivery of a very healthy baby.

Testimonios de esposas


“Los beneficios para mí fueron muchos y quizás algunos los he pasado por alto ahora. Uno de los más grandes e importantes es la confianza que Donna aporta y transmite, no sólo a mí sino a mi pareja. La humanidad que tiene, intenta hacerse entender por cuestiones del idioma y si no, tiene a alguien que puede ayudar a interpretar. Dar a luz en casa tiene una ventaja tan grande porque es un lugar familiar para nosotros, la comodidad de no tener que desplazarnos a ningún otro lado. Donna es una persona muy competente, humana, dispuesta a ayudar en cualquier momento que uno la necesite. Para mí, a pesar de tener 5 partos anteriores, fue una experiencia maravillosa, sin estrés, un hecho que considero muy importante para nuestra tranquilidad. Además, las visitas prenatales que uno hace ayudan a familiarizarse con ella, y a la hora del parto, esto ayuda porque uno se vuelve una persona familiar y hacemos todo sin inhibiciones, porque las enfermeras no van y vienen como en un hospital o los médicos. Y, personalmente, nosotros (mi familia) estamos muy agradecidos con Donna y con Dios por esta hermosa experiencia, que desde el primer momento nos dio confianza, que con el paso del tiempo ha aumentado y los lazos de cariño se han fortalecido. Gracias Donna por tu humanidad, dedicación, confianza, experiencia…”


“¡El hecho de utilizar a Donna como partera ha sido una experiencia que me ha cambiado la vida! Siempre he sido de las que confían en el proceso y estar en California durante mi embarazo y parto mientras Donna estaba en Utah y hacíamos citas por teléfono fue realmente una evolución en el proceso de confiar en el proceso. En cada paso del proceso, Donna estaba a solo una llamada telefónica, un correo electrónico o un mensaje de texto de distancia. Siempre me explicaba las cosas para que pudiera entender el POR QUÉ. Me dio todas las herramientas que necesitaba para tener el parto y el embarazo que deseaba. No puedo decir suficientes cosas buenas sobre ella y su programa. Seguí su consejo e hice todo lo que tenía que hacer y tuve un parto tan hermoso y fácil, fue un sueño hecho realidad. Si estás indecisa sobre si necesitas una partera, da un salto de fe y te recomiendo encarecidamente que recurras a Donna o, al menos, que leas su libro "Powerfully Pregnant".”


“Comodidad. A un precio razonable, muy bajo coste. Con ella te sientes como en familia, te da seguridad, apoyo, respeto, cariño. Sientes que estás con una persona profesional capaz de afrontar cualquier problema. Estoy muy contenta y satisfecha con ella. Por supuesto que la recomiendo siempre.”

“Que atiende muy bien y el precio es razonable. y es muy amigable y da mucha confianza para hacer le cualguier pregunta.”


“Me siento mas segura porque estoy en casa con mi familia y no salgo para fuera, ni saco al bebe tampoco. Si necesito algo ahí están ellos para dármelo.”


“Que estas en tu casa y te sientes mas segura y tranquila por que ella esta con tingo todo el tiempo para cualquier cosa que pase con el bebe, y cuando nace te atiende muy bien y trae todo lo neccesano para el parto. Para mi es muy buena como partera.”


“Estás en casa, no necesitas ir a ningún otro lado. Ella te dará buenos consejos y te tratará bien. No cuesta tanto dinero como el hospital. Ella es más amable, como de la familia. Me siento más feliz y más segura con ella que con cualquier otra persona en el mundo. Gracias.”


“los veneficios fueron que lo nina nasio bien y no nos costso muno y fuen la casa le damos gracias a la doctora Donna por atender nos vien y con carino y siempre es tubo muy a tenta con migo y con la beve y day gracias u ella. Si la recomindo por que es un buna doctora.”


“Creo que Donna es muy inteligente y comprensiva y puedo hablar con ella en cualquier momento sobre cualquier problema. También es muy responsable de todo lo que sucede durante el parto. Por lo que puedo decir de Donna, creo que es muy inteligente y muy buena.”


“En que atiedebien. Te cuida. Te alluda muncho. Si bolbiera atener otro bebe lo tendria con Donna Young. Sela recomiendo”


“Los beneficios son indescribibles porque beneficia muchisimo."